To create lasting solutions with our community that prevent and end homelessness.
A community where everyone has a home and the supports they need to belong.
- The UN Declaration that Housing is a Human Right
- The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Truth and Reconciliation as a path to ending Indigenous Homelessness
- Social inclusion and working to end all forms of discrimination and racism
- The voice of people with Lived Experience of homelessness
- People, organizations, and sectors working together around a common vision and shared goals
- Integrity, accountability and transparency in all that we do
- End Homelessness Winnipeg is also guided by:
- The principles of change and calls for justice in the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ final report, Reclaiming Power and Place
- The recommendations in the Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth’s report, A Place Where it Feels Like Home: The Story of Tina Fontaine
- Nii’Kaanaagnaa – Our Hopes and Dreams: A strategic initiative to address First Nations homelessness in Manitoba (forthcoming release)

End Homelessness Winnipeg receives its mandate from the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Winnipeg, launched in 2014. The Plan called for creation of a new non-profit organization to provide ongoing leadership to end homelessness in our city. Working closely with the network of existing services, this new organization would have one driving mission: to end homelessness. Collaboration across systems and deep within community and government sectors would be central to its work, as would the knowledge and efforts of those with Lived Experience of homelessness, Indigenous leaders, community organizations, and the philanthropic and private sectors. End Homelessness Winnipeg opened its doors in 2015 under this mandate.