Housing Supply is a key pillar of the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Winnipeg. To reduce and end homelessness, there must be an adequate supply of appropriate, low-income housing that meets the needs of the community. Lack of appropriate housing supply for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness has emerged as the most significant challenge to ending homelessness in Winnipeg.
To address the gaps in Winnipeg’s housing continuum, End Homelessness Winnipeg’s Housing Supply Manager and Action Committee engage with people with Lived Experience of homelessness to identify the types of housing that would meet their needs. End Homelessness Winnipeg then collaborates with partner organizations to develop these ideas into promising, innovative, culturally appropriate and locally-responsive initiatives serving priority groups like people exiting unsheltered homelessness, youth aging out of care, and women with children fleeing family violence.

Additional Information:
- 2022 Winnipeg Rental Housing Supply Baseline Scan (.pdf)
- 2021 Winnipeg Rental Housing Supply Baseline Scan (.pdf)
- 2020 North End Housing Lab Report (.pdf)
- 2020 City of Winnipeg Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment (.pdf)
- 2019 End Homelessness Winnipeg wins Reframe Housing Competition
- 2018 Housing Models and Development Framework (.pdf)
- 2018 Housing Models and Development Framework – Executive Summary (.pdf)
- 2018 Keeping Winnipeg Affordable: Exploring the Potential for Inclusionary Housing in a Slow-Growth City (.pdf)
- 2017 Private Rental Housing Market Inventory Report (.pdf)